How to Stabilize the Weight after Bariatric

Bariatric Surgery is growing in popularity as a solution to the obesity epidemic. It results in rapid weight loss if you follow the plan your doctor issues, and can be a road to improved health and wellness across the board. One problem many people face, however, is how you can stabilize weight loss after the surgery. Bariatric Stabilization, in truth, is largely a factor of following a careful diet and sticking with the stabilization plan your doctor gives you.

Bariatric Stabilization Plan

When you reach the stabilization phase of your Bariatric weight loss, you’ll be able to eat normal foods at a regular consistency, but you’ll still need to vary your eating habits, potentially for the rest of your life. The goals at this stage are to eat three meals a day, sticking to calorie-free fluids and avoiding empty calories.

Stick to nutrient-dense foods, and avoid foods that are high in fat and sugar, while continuing to take your vitamin supplements. Let’s look at your goals in a little more detail.

Your Meal Plan

Your meal plan for bariatric stabilization should consist of three well-balanced meals each day. They should include lean meat, fish and poultry, low fat starches, whole grains, low fat dairy, fruits and vegetables. These are the foods that will provide the vital nutrients your body needs.

Some people can’t tolerate three full meals; for these people, six smaller meals can be eaten throughout the day. Don’t force yourself to eat more than you can—stop when you feel full. Make sure, however, that you get plenty of protein; the building blocks of health and nutrition.


When you drink fluids, they should be calorie-free. Between meals, you should wait at least 30 minutes before consuming liquids. Consume 8 ounces of protein supplement, and 16 ounces of clear fluid that is sugar free. Spread your fluids out over three hours, and stop drinking at least a half hour before meals.

Nutritional Supplements

Nutritional supplements like vitamins and minerals are often essential to those who have gone through Bariatric weight loss. This is because often, the body can’t take in enough nutrients, making supplements the only way you can get the vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy. Talk to your doctor or surgeon about these needs and take the recommended supplements faithfully.

Sample Diet

A sample diet for a single day on a stabilization plan might include an egg, a half-cup of hot cereal, half banana and a teaspoon of margarine for breakfast; 2 ounces of low-fat turkey with  half a cup of mashed potatoes, a cup of salad, a small orange and two tablespoons of light dressing for lunch; and up to 3 ounces of baked fish, a half cup of rice, half cup of spinach, half cup of unsweetened applesauce and a teaspoon of margarine for dinner.

Post-Surgery Compression Wear

It’s not unusual for people to require compression wear after surgery and during your bariatric stabilization phase. For these needs, Obesinov is here to help. We offer a complete range of compression garments and accessories for all your different daily needs. Check out our collection of compression wear products and contact us for more information today!